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The Department of Hydraulics are responsible for the research on hydraulic problems arising from large-sized hydro, thermal and nuclear power projects and crux programs funded by the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Power Corporation of China, China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation and other Hydropower Development Corporations, China National Nuclear Corporation, National Science Foundation Commission. The main research activities of the Department cover the general layout of hydro projects, hydraulics of spillways for high dams, energy dissipation and river bed or bank erosions, flow induced vibration, cavitation and air entrainment, river ice, hydraulic transient flow simulation and control on hydropower project, pumped storage project and long distance water transfer project, optimization of thermal/nuclear power plant and other industrial cooling systems, investigation of the fundamental theory of stratified/mixing flow and its applications, studies on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of large scale cooling (or dry) towers, hydraulic field observations for existing projects, development of instrumentation for physical model tests and field observations. Methods adopted in research work include physical model test, numerical simulation and prototype observation. Decades research papers and technical reports are published annually. 6 research findings have been awarded the state Prizes of Progress in Science and Technology, Innovation in Science and 70 achievements on the Prizes from Ministries or Provinces during the last 25 years.The Department has totally 40 engineers, including 6 Professors, 17 Senior Engineers, 8 Doctors and 15 Masters.There five large laboratories in the Department embracing a total area of 12,800 m2 and providing maximum water circulation discharge of about 10 m3/s. Furthermore, the large scale vacuum tank, being the biggest testing facilities for cavitation research in China, are provided, and a new environmental water flume is built for special research on the aspect of environmental problems.The international cooperation activities and consultation services in diversified fields or circles are also carried out in full swing such as the studies on the general layout and energy dissipation for LIWAGU Hydro Project in Malaysia, consultation on high speed flow and gate vibration for KARUN III in Iran, water transfer project from Biliuhe River to Dalian City in China funded by Asian Development Bank, Sino-Finish cooperation research program of numerical simulation on dam break and river ice, consultation on water supply project in Bangladesh, hydraulic analysis on water supply system and nuclear power plant in Pakistan, hydraulic transient control and simulation on water transfer project from Yellow River to Taiyuan City funded by World Bank (WB), etc.
 所  长 : 吴一红
 副所长 : 段杰辉
 书  记 : 任定安











  1. 大中型水电站的枢纽总体布置与泄洪消能研究

  2. 泄水建筑物的掺气减蚀研究

  3. 导流洞改建旋流竖井式泄洪洞研究

  4. 泄洪雾化预测研究

  5. 水力发电厂下游尾水河道整治工程问题研究

  6. 数值模拟软件开发与应用研究

  7. 水力学原型观测

  8. 环境与生态水力学问题研究




  1. 继续保持在枢纽整体布置、泄洪消能、掺气减蚀等方面的传统优势;

  2. 继续加大对水力学研究领域新问题,如导流洞改建、泄洪雾化预测研究、电厂下游尾水河道整治等方面的研究力度,在前期已有所突破的基础上,进行进一步的深层次研究,做好完善与总结工作;

  3. 进一步做好数值模拟与物理模拟的结合与相互验证工作,完善数值模拟方法,拓宽研究对象;

  4. 开展环境与生态水力学问题研究。研究室的发展目标为:以各水电开发公司业主单位、水电勘测设计院、及水力发电厂为主要服务对象,研究领域宽广,能够处理解决多种复杂水力学问题的综合型研究室。




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